
Sostieni il Kickstarter del Dulltech™ Media Player!

Sostieni il Kickstarter del Dulltech™ Media Player!

Sep 16, 2015
Il Link Art Center ti invita a sostenere la campagna Kickstarter per il lancio del Dulltech™ Media Player, il primo media player d'artista del mondo. Restano 14 giorni (more…)
Please Support the The Dulltech™ Media Player Kickstarter

Please Support the The Dulltech™ Media Player Kickstarter

Sep 16, 2015
The Link Art Center would like to invite you to consider supporting the Kickstarter campaign for The Dulltech™ Media Player, the world's first artist-designed media player. 14 days are left (more…)
Return of Investment – Documentation

Return of Investment – Documentation

May 15, 2014
Return of Investment, solo show by Jonas Lund at Link Cabinet, opened on April 23. (more…)