Raus aus dem digitalen Unbehagen / Escaping the Digital Unease at Kunsthaus Langenthal, Switzerland

Raus aus dem digitalen Unbehagen / Escaping the Digital Unease at Kunsthaus Langenthal, Switzerland

Jul 27, 2017

The Link Art Center is proud to announce the exhibition Raus aus dem digitalen Unbehagen / Escaping the Digital Unease. Curated by Raffael Dörig, Director Kunsthaus Langenthal, with Domenico Quaranta and Fabio Paris, Link Art Center, Brescia, the exhibition will open on August 30, 2017 at 6 PM at Kunsthaus Langenthal, and will be on view from August 31 to November 13, 2017


Zach Blas & Jemima Wyman, im here to learn so :)))))), 2017

Zach Blas & Jemima Wyman, im here to learn so :)))))), 2017


After 25 years of the World Wide Web it has become commonplace that our life also happens in digital communication spaces. But unease spreads in this digital life. While we’re using products by Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and find them useful and indispensable, we’ve become aware of the dominance of such big players. Their services form our thoughts and commodify the idea of friendship and exchange. We do not surf the wild web anymore, but are fed with feeds, receiving more and more of the same based on algorithmic extrapolations of our preferences. With the social media account we rent services, which we pay with our data and attention. The latest with Edward Snowden’s disclosures also the excessive government-surveillence and their link to private actors has become common knowledge.


Benjamin Grosser, Go Rando, 2017

Benjamin Grosser, Go Rando, 2017


Since the beginning of the web, artists have built their own spaces and channels there. They have created artworks that reacted to commodification and restrictions in a critical way. In the early web – a time of great utopian ideas about the new medium – artists have tried to co-build the web with their works, texts, friendships and technological solutions. In the last few years, important artworks have been created by exploring digital pop culture, the defaults of commercial platforms and the web mainstream. Now is the time to raise questions about new forms of critique, self-organized platforms and tools, a revisiting of the utopias of the early web, new networks of art, activism and friendship – the question of alternatives.


Amy Suo Wu, A Media Archeology of Steganography, 2015

Amy Suo Wu, A Media Archeology of Steganography, 2015


The exhibition presents works from over 30 artists and collective who tackle these topics, raise awareness to the unease, show the causes or possibilities of escape from it. A selection of books and artist publications are presented in a reading room.


The exhibition is accompanied by a publication with essays on the heritage of critical net-culture and the future of the commons (Felix Stalder), on Bots and Artificial Intelligence (Maria Lechner), media-theoretical hand-on tips for an escape from the digital unease (Paul Feigelfeld), as well as other texts by Raffael Dörig, Domenico Quaranta, Claire Hoffmann, with numerous images. (German/English, Christoph Merian Verlag), book launch 14 October, 6.30 pm.




Participating artists: Aram Bartholl, Zach Blas & Jemima Wyman, James Bridle, Harm van den Dorpel, F.A.T. Lab († 2015), Olga Fedorova, Cao Fei, Elisa Giardina Papa, Félicien Goguey, Benjamin Grosser, Hackteria, Adam Harvey, JODI, Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud, Olia Lialina, Silvio Lorusso & Sebastian Schmieg, DISNOVATION.ORG, Joana Moll & Cédric Parizot, The Mycological Twist – Leslie Kulesh / Eloïse Bonneviot / Anne de Boer, Julian Oliver, Trevor Paglen, Tabita Rezaire, RYBN, Gordan Savičić & Bengt Sjölén, Lasse Scherffig, Erica Scourti, Yinan Song, Peter Sunde, Maddy Varner, Angela Washko, Amy Suo Wu.


In cooperation with Link Art Center, Brescia and Espace Multimédia Gantner, Bourgogne.


More detailed information on the show and related events is available on the Kunsthaus Langenthal website.


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Link Center