Francesco Fonassi: Rhythmanalyst




The Link Point is proud to announce its participation in the Nona Giornata del Contemporaneo, organized by AMACI – the Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums – on October 5, 2013, with the project Rhythmanalyst, by Francesco Fonassi.


Rhythmanalysis is a method for analyzing the rhythms of urban spaces and the effects of those rhythms on the inhabitants of those spaces. The concept was coined by Portuguese philosopher Lúcio Alberto Pinheiro dos Santos in 1931, and further developed by Gaston Bachelard and by Marxist sociologist Henri Lefebvre in his book Rhythmanalysis (1992).
According to Wikipedia, “Lefebvre posits that the human body is composed of several rhythms; in order to observe rhythms outside of the body, the rhythmanalyst must use her or his own rhythms as a reference to unify the rhythms under analysis. Properly put, the rhythm is the conjunction of the rhythmanalyst and the object of the analysis.”



A set on Flickr

In Rhythmanalyst, Francesco Fonassi invites musician and performer Fabrizio Saiu to act as the rhythmanalyst of three distinct sensory events: a flow of pre-recorded electronic impulses played out in the exhibition space; a stream of video; and the variable flow of people attending the performance: an environmental rhythm that the performer analyzes, translates and conditions at the same time, with his sonic gestures and his very presence in the space, playing as the unique point of convergence of reception and reaction.



Francesco Fonassi (Brescia, 1986, lives and works in Brescia – after attending the Art Academy in Venice, he has been artist in residence at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2012-13), Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome (2011-12) and Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice (2010). Recent solo shows include Stasi (viafarini DOCVA, Milan, 2013) Kollaps, Aufstieg. (MACRO, Rome, 2012) and Crocedomini (Monotono Contemporary Art, Vicenza, 2011). Group shows include: La méthode Jacobson (Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2013); The 338 Hours Cineclub (Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin 2013); Theatre of Life (CoCA, Torun, PL 2012); Premio LUM per l’arte contemporanea (Teatro Margherita, Bari 2011).


Fabrizio Saiu (San Gavino Monreale, 1983 – works in the contemporary music field since 2005. In 2010 he started focusing on performance, often in collaboration with other artists, working on the relationship between static and moving images, sound and text with the body.


The Giornata del Contemporaneo is an event organized to promote the presence of contemporary art in Italy. More information and the event’s program are available on the AMACI website (

