link cabinet

Eva Papamargariti – Transformative Encounters at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present Transformative Encounters, a work by Eva Papamargariti. The show will be online at Link Cabinet from January 24 to February 25, 2018.   Transformative Encounters is a short visual narration including 3D animated materials, video recordings and poetic elements that refer to a multitude of bodies and their consecutive encounters with an unfamiliar organism that take place as they intersect, feed, touch, alter, discard, contain, compartmentalize and aknowledge each other's corporeality. (more…)

INTERMEZZO | Stefano Testa – Abgrund su Link Cabinet

Il Link Art Center è lieto di presentare Abgrund, un progetto di Stefano Testa per INTERMEZZO, il nuovo e irregolare format espositivo di Link Cabinet. La mostra sarà online su Link Cabinet dal 22 novembre al 17 dicembre 2017.   Abgrund è un’opera video di Stefano Testa che nasce dalla suggestione provocata dall’assistere al processo attraverso il quale un’intelligenza artificiale impara a replicare il tono e l’espressività di una voce umana, per poi farla propria. Elementi visivi e sonori vengono processati da un sistema di machine learning – una branca dell'intelligenza artificiale che si fonda sull'uso di reti neurali – e successivamente rielaborati attraverso animazione digitale. (more…)

INTERMEZZO | Stefano Testa – Abgrund on Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present Abgrund, a project by Stefano Testa for INTERMEZZO, the new irregular exhibition format on Link Cabinet. The exhibition will be online at Link Cabinet from November 22 to December 17, 2017.   Abgrundis a video piece by Stefano Testa that stems from the observation of an artificial intelligence learning to emulate the tone of a human voice, and then appropriating it. The artist fed a machine learning system – a branch of AI that, based on the use of neural networks, gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed – with a number of visual, sound and voiced elements, that the artist then animated digitally. (more…)

Sebastian Schmieg – Decisive Camera at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present Decisive Camera, a work by Sebastian Schmieg. The show will be online at Link Cabinet from September 27 to October 29, 2017.   Decisive Camera is a new chapter in a series of works by Sebastian Schmieg raising questions about photography and machine learning technology. Machine Learning can be defined as a subfield of computer science and artificial intelligence, that studies the possibility to give machines the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It makes use of algorithms that, based on a set of data, can learn to make predictions, to classify and to make decisions. (more…)