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Daniele Carrera



Glitch, pixel sorting, databending, digital collage. Based on: Lázló Moholy-Nagy, Untitled, 1927; Hans Richter, Untitled, 1961. Magazine covers: 391, New York, N.3, 1 March 1917; Cannibale, Paris, 25 May 1920


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“Dada graphic with a touch of digital glitchs”. Daniele Carrera

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Eugenio Tisselli

Richter Remixed


Algorithmic manipulation of original image done with MIDIPoet. Screen recording available here. Based on: Hans Richter, Untitled, 1961.

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“- More dada! Expanded dada! Infinite Richter through algorithmic manipulation!

– But wait! Algorithms are against the spirit of dada, aren’t they?

– Well, you cannot go against the spirit of dada. Because going against the spirit of dada is in the spirit of dada too.”

Eugenio Tisselli

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Monthly Feature

Harm van den Dorpel

Cat, 2016



Based on: Hans Richter, Untitled, 1961

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The artist uploaded the work Untitled, 1961 by Hans Richter to one of the most advanced image recognition artificial intelligence services: The Wolfram Language Image Identification Project. The software recognized this work to be a “cat”. The work is a witty take on computer vision and on the existence of images in the age of algorithms.

Harm van den Dorpel is a Berlin-based conceptual artist. His broad practice includes the creation of sculpture, collage, computer animation, computer generated graphics and interaction design. He is regarded a key figure in Post-Internet art. In his work he investigates how algorithms can analyse digital archives and guide the artist in aesthetic decision taking, leading to a symbiosis of man-machine art creation. His ultimate goal is to reveal the reasoning structure of his own consciousness, and his implicit associations and assumptions. More info

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