Solid and matted
Digital Collage. Based on: Man Ray, The Poet, 1938
Comments closedStatic 3d render. Based on: Man Ray, The meeting (revolving door), 1916/1942
“The idea was to try and reconstruct through parametric and algebraic mathematical modeling some of the forms found on the original Man Ray piece (the central helicoid,for example) and project them in 3d space”. Fotis Begetis
Comments closedCollage of screenshots from a MacBook Pro with a malfunctioning NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics processor, Animated Gif. Based on Magazine Cover: 391, New York, N.3, 1 March 1917.
“The image was cut into 10 equal segments which were fed individually into a 2008 MacBook Pro 17” laptop with a defective graphics processor. The laptop was allowed to affect each segment, during which approximately 20 screenshots of each were taken. The screenshots were then reassembled into 10 complete images, taking care to keep all segments in proper location.
Defective GPUs produce “randomly predictable” output, but by assembling collages of many different screenshots I hoped to produce a distinctly different aesthetic than would be created by allowing the GPU to affect the whole image at once”. John Bumstead
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Digital manipulation. Based on: Man Ray, Rayogram, 1924
“The objects represented in rayogram occur exclusively in their material footprint loses an original identity. In computer graphics, the white and gray checkerboard pattern represents no color, emptiness, absence“. Emiliano Zucchini
Comments closedAnimated Gif. Based on: The meeting (revolving door), 1916/1942
“40 frames on data coloration and convulsion”. Nikolas Koroloff
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Digital image. Based on Magazine Cover: New York Dada, April 1921
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“Turning simple cheeky cover into a meditation piece – pulsating white surround black“. Volodymyr Bilyk
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Microsoft Test. Based on: Paul Citroen, Alannah, 1931
“Artificial Intelligence is rapidly progressing thanks to the development of “deep learning” systems. Neural networks are trained to recognize images and describe them with words. is an AI created by Microsoft that combines Computer Vision and Natural Language to describe contents of images. It’s frequent errors became a meme in early 2016, sharing the funniest results. I submitted the Citroen’s artwork to and the result is definitely DaDa“. Marco Cadioli
Comments closedAnimated Gif. Based on: Man Ray, Long Distance, 1926.
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Inspired by Man Ray’s stencil Long Distance (1926), dadarchy features PETSCII characters brutalizing dada like a concrete poem. “Raw force shaped in text, flat and brutal. It’s dadarchy time!” PETSCII (PET Standard Code of Information Interchange), also known as CBM ASCII, is the character set used in Commodore Business Machines (CBM)’s 8-bit home computers, starting with the PET from 1977.
Raquel Meyers is a Spanish artist based in Sweden who defines her practice as KYBDslöjd (drawing by Type In), a brutalist storytelling about technology and keystrokes where text is used unadorned and roughcast, like concrete. Brutalism has an unfortunate reputation of evoking a raw dystopia and KYBDslöjd evokes an “object of nostalgia”. But nostalgic, retro, obsolete or limited are rhetoric qualities earn by constant repetition. We live in a time where hardware and software become obsolete before most of the users have learned how to use them or disappear into pure functionality. The obedience to standards has made us passive observers and consumers.
Since 2004 Meyers has performed at festivals like Transmediale, Fylkingen, Piksel, Mapping, MFRU, HeK, or Cimatics, at 8bit events like Tokyo Blip Festival and the Playlist exhibition, as well at Liste Art Fair Basel, Xpo Gallery, Click New Media Arts Festival, Alt_Cph, LABoral, FILE and iMAL, among others. In 2016, Meyers has been artist in residence at Le Shadok, Strasbourg, where her first solo show has been organized in collaboration with the Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival.
Computer generated image. Based on: Man Ray, Long Distance, 1926
“Long Distance 2016 is mine- 90 years later- homage to Man Ray’s work “Long Distance” based on a deformed binary progression. The title itself has an evoking quality of the very long distance among those times and now days in terms of artistic expressions and indeed everything else”. Letizia Galli
Comments closedSnapchat pictures and video of Alannah and me – ready made photo filters. Based on: Paul Citroen, Alannah, 1931.
“The project is based on a popular mobile application, Snapchat, and the possibility (or failure?) offered by its facial recognition system, able to identify faces also on images of faces (or objects and drawings similar to faces).
I printed a copy of the artwork and then I created a custom profile on Snapchat application (you can follow me here). In this profile I’m collecting snapchat pictures and video of the artwork, and me with the artwork: the facial recognition system recognizes Alannah’s face and so multiple filters can be applied and overimposed. In the same way the artist added link drawing to the silver gelatin print, so I modify the artwork adding snapchat filters as a further level”. Annamaria Andrea
Comments closedDigital collage. Based on: Kurt Schwitters, Die Kathedrale, 1920; Man Ray, The Poet, 1938; Man Ray, Orchestra, 1926; Man Ray Non euclidean object, 1932;Man Ray, Masque Kiki, 1962.
“Sir Mix-a-Lot. Man Ray over DER ZELTWEG; Kurt Schwitters over Man Ray The Poet; Man Ray Orchestra over Kurt Schwitters Die Kathedrale; and over Man Ray, Man Ray Non euclidean object. Over this one, eye and lip Masque Kiki by Man Ray with ornaments from Raul Hausmann collage. Signed by Tristan Tzara. No. 1. And so on“. Cless
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Digital collage. Based on Magazine Cover: 391 New York, N.3, 1 March 1917
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