the mini museum

The MINI Museum is back with a new website and a call for proposals

The MINI Museum is back with a new website and a call for proposals

Remember the MINI Museum? The museum in a box with a digital frame as display and a USB pen drive as storage launched in 2010, (more…)

MINI Museum: Wong Ka Wing

MINI Museum: Wong Ka Wing

Vi ricordate del MINI Museum? Era stato avvistato per l’ultima volta a Hong Kong lo scorso gennaio, quando l’artista norvegese Susi Law se n’era servita durante una mostra personale. Poi era sparito, per riemergere recentemente (more…)

MINI Museum Updates: Wong Ka Wing

MINI Museum Updates: Wong Ka Wing

Remember the MINI Museum? It was spotted for the last time in Hong Kong in January, when Norwegian artist Susi Law used it during a solo show, and then disappeared. It resurfaced recently (more…)

MINI Museum: Susi Law e jonCates

MINI Museum: Susi Law e jonCates



L’1 gennaio 2013 l’artista Susi Law – il suo ultimo “temporary owner” – ha portato il MINI Museum da Bergen, in Norvegia, a Hong Kong per esporlo nella sua mostra A Taste of Nordic Sea – Moving Still, presso l’attico del NEW KWONG TAI Dry Seafood Store, a Hong Kong. (more…)