
The MINI Museum is back with a new website and a call for proposals

The MINI Museum is back with a new website and a call for proposals

Remember the MINI Museum? The museum in a box with a digital frame as display and a USB pen drive as storage launched in 2010, (more…)

MINI Museum: Ellen Henriette Suhrke

MINI Museum: Ellen Henriette Suhrke


Lo scorso 3 dicembre, il MINI Museum è stato esposto a Bergen, Norvegia, nello studio dell’artista Susi Law. In mostra l’ultimo ingresso nella collezione del MINI Museum: Stone and Plastic (2012) di Ellen Henriette Suhrke. (more…)

MINI Museum Updates: Ellen Henriette Suhrke

MINI Museum Updates: Ellen Henriette Suhrke


On Monday, December 3, the MINI Museum has been shown in Bergen, Norway, in the studio of the artist Susi Law. On display there was the last entry in the MINI Museum collection: Stone and Plastic (2012) by Ellen Henriette Suhrke. (more…)

Collect the WWWorld a 319 Scholes, New York

Collect the WWWorld a 319 Scholes, New York

Evan Roth, Internet Cache Self Portrait: July 17, 2012, 2012. Latex saturated wet strength wallpaper, 12′ 2″ x 9′ 4″


Il Link Center for the Arts for the Information Age è lieto di annunciare che la mostra Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age, dopo Brescia (2011) e Basilea (2012), aprirà presto a New York, in un nuovo allestimento concepito per gli spazi di 319 Scholes a Bushwick, Brooklyn.
