
Collect the WWWorld at 319 Scholes, New York

Collect the WWWorld at 319 Scholes, New York

Evan Roth, Internet Cache Self Portrait: July 17, 2012, 2012. Latex saturated wet strength wallpaper, 12′ 2″ x 9′ 4″


The Link Center for the Arts for the Information Age is proud to announce that the show Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age , after its premiere in Brescia (2011) and its presentation in Basel (2012), will open soon in New York, in a brand new display conceived for the space of 319 Scholes in Bushwick, Brooklyn.


5 maggio: viaggio a Basilea

5 maggio: viaggio a Basilea

Il Link Center organizza per sabato 5 maggio una gita in autobus a Basilea, per visitare la mostra Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age alla House for Electronic Arts Basel. Il viaggio sarà completato da una visita alla Fondazione Beyeler. Programma…

Collect the WWWorld a Basilea. Foto e video

Collect the WWWorld a Basilea. Foto e video

Di ritorno da Basilea dopo l’inaugurazione di Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age alla House for Electronic Arts Basel, il team del Link Center è lieto di condividere la propria documentazione fotografica e video della mostra.
Un breve e grezzo tour video è disponibile sul nostro canale Youtube:



… e la documentazione fotografica sul nostro account Flickr:



Collect the WWWorld at the House of Electronic Arts Basel

Collect the WWWorld at the House of Electronic Arts Basel

The Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age is proud to announce that Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age, the show we produced and first presented Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia (Italy) from September 24 to October 15, 2011, will be presented in an adapted, updated version at the House of Electronic Arts Basel. (more…)