Link Cabinet @it

HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw by Gretchen Andrew at Link Cabinet- Documentation

Aug 6, 2017
From June 5 to August 6, 2017 Link Cabinet presented HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw, a work by Gretchen Andrew. HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw is an online performance developed continuously during the exhibition. Each day artist Gretchen Andrew watched one of YouTube 4 million videos titled "How to draw...". Following the instructions the artist drawed using a digital drawing pad, she recorded the process and presented it in an endless loop. The drawings have been arranged on Link Cabinet to interact with each other, shaping a composition that enhanced on a daily basis. (more…)

Gretchen Andrew – HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw su Link Cabinet

Il Link Art Center è lieto di presentare HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw, un lavoro inedito di Gretchen Andrew. La mostra sarà online su Link Cabinet dal 5 luglio al 6 agosto 2017.   HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw è una performance online che si svilupperà durante tutta la durata della mostra. Ogni giorno l’artista Gretchen Andrew guarderà uno dei 4 milioni di video di YouTube aventi nel titolo la dicitura “how to draw” (come disegnare). Seguendone le istruzioni l’artista realizzerà un disegno utilizzando una tavoletta grafica, ne registrerà il processo e lo presenterà su Link Cabinet. Ogni giorno un nuovo disegno verrà aggiunto, dando vita ad una composizione in continua evoluzione e che si arricchirà col tempo. (more…)

Gretchen Andrew – HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw, a new work by Gretchen Andrew. The show will be online at Link Cabinet from July 5 to August 4, 2017.   HOW TO HOW TO HOW TO draw is an online performance that will develop continuously until the end of the exhibition. Each day artist Gretchen Andrew will watch one of YouTube 4 million videos titled "How to draw...". Following the instructions the artist will draw using a digital drawing pad, she will record the process and will present it in an endless loop. The drawings will be arranged on Link Cabinet to interact with each other, shaping a composition that will enhance on a daily basis. (more…)

AVENUE by Nicolas Sassoon at Link Cabinet – Documentation

From May 5 to June 4, 2017 Link Cabinet presented AVENUE, a work by Nicolas Sassoon.   AVENUE is a large animated GIF which dimensions deliberately exceed the size of the screen, forcing the viewer to penetrate into an hypnotic portrayal of an architectural space. The representation depicts the interior of “Avenue” an underground art/music project active in Vancouver BC, Canada between 2012 and 2015. The scene has been recreated by the artist based on his personal memories with no intent to be a precise depiction of the space. The artist invites us to follow him in a world blending memories of real elements with imaginary visions. (more…)